What to expect during your couples counselling session Couples counselling because of unahppy relationship

Whether you are separating, divorcing, thinking about it or going through a difficult time, Couples Counselling helps you and your partner create open lines of communication. Therefore, it allows you both to be more expressive, find out what you both want from the relationship and also from each other. Couples counselling also identifies what you are both prepared to do to make the relationship work. Therefore, it identifies the key issues that are affecting your relationship.

Although the relationship is the primary client, both you and your partner are of course the integral parts of the relationship. Therefore, each of you gets the opportunity to be heard out and listened to equally. This is undertaken with empathy and non-judgement and most importantly in a safe and neutral environment.

You may ask but what if the other person doesn’t want to come? Well, there have been times when one partner decides to not attend for varied reasons.  However, this should not stop you from coming to individual sessions. In actual fact it is highly recommended rather than not doing anything about it. Consequently, anything that is said in individual counselling sessions is kept confidential and will not be shared with the other person, unless you otherwise permit it.

You may ask, but if the relationship is the primary client then how can it make a difference with only one person attending sessions?  Well, it can make a difference to the relationship because you will learn techniques and be provided with tools that you can use to change the behavioural patterns that occur in the relationship.

Couples sessions are 1 hour in duration. The sessions are about learning how to relate to each other, and moving forward from past blocks that may currently be present in the relationship.

Depending on your circumstance Counselling can help you to:-

  • look at the changing nature of the relationship
  • work through the grief and loss that comes with the with the breakdown of the relationship
  • look at what role anger plays
  • work with accepting the situation
  • learning to be single again
  • work on gaining the strength to move forward


If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact us on 8448 1106.